The late South African president Nelson Mandela, recently released after twenty-seven years in prison, enters the State Department with Cohen at the beginning of his first official visit to the United States in March 1990.

Ending the War for Eritrean Independence: London, England, May 31, 1991. On Cohen's left is Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of Ethiopia. On Cohen's right is Isayas Afwerki, President of Eritrea.

President Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Côte d'Ivoire greets Assistant Secretary of State Cohen in Abidjan (1991).

With President Arap Moi of Kenya, 1990.

With F.W. de Klerk in May 1990

With Mobutu, Mrs. Mobutu, and Mrs. Cohen at the White House in 1970.

With Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia and Secretary of State Baker in 1990.

At Washington, DC's World Affairs Council

With Jim Bohannon on his radio show

At Washington, DC's World Affairs Council

At the Meridian International Center with COO Lee Satterfield

Receiving the AFSA Lifetime Contributions to American Diplomacy Award. (AFSA / Joaquin Sosá)