Thank you to Cornell University’s Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies. It was a pleasure speaking with my old colleague Aileen Marshall about the differing approaches of the U.S., China, and Russia in Africa. We discussed how these major powers have affected Africa in terms of economic development, security partnerships, and governance.
Speaking at the World Affairs Council of Charlotte Speaker Series
Thank you to the World Affairs Council of Charlotte. It was a pleasure to speak with Mike Hawley and Leandre Adifon on a wide range of topics, including the history of colonization in Africa and its role in shaping policy, economic development in African countries, and the different approaches of the U.S., Russia, and China.
Article: China in Africa: The Nuanced Reality of Belt and Road
ACNSL National Security Book Award Event

My thanks and deep appreciation to the board of ACNSL for selecting my book for “Best Book on Security for 2023.” This award has special significance for two reasons. First, the ACNSL Board is made up of generals, admirals, and senior defense officials. So, the award for security is truly meaningful. Secondly, the book is a memoir about my career. In effect, the award recognizes the element of security in my career as a specialist in US-African relations. During the period 1989-1993, the Bureau of African Affairs, under my leadership, ended three African civil wars in Angola, Mozambique, and Ethiopia. I am very proud to receive this award and grateful for the support of my family throughout my career.
Interview: Discussing the U.S.'s Aid Priorities to Africa on VOA Afrique
Article: In Africa, Corruption Remains a Barrier to Investment
Speaking at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Africa Forum
Thank you to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace for hosting the Carnegie Africa Forum. It was a pleasure to appear alongside Ambassador Jendayi Frazer, Ambassador Tibor Nagy, and Ambassador Johnnie Carson, sharing our insights on US-Africa relations and economic development on the continent.
Interview: Discussing Russia in Africa and French and U.S. Withdrawal From the Sahel on the American Diplomat Podcast
Article: A New Face, But an Old Tactic: History Offers Clues on Stopping Russia’s African Advance
Speaking at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies with Professor Eric Silla
I joined Professor Eric Silla's Making U.S. Policy in Africa class at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies to share stories from my career, as well as my perspective on contemporary African affairs.
Interview: Discussing the situation in the DRC and the possibility of outside intervention on Australia's SBS News
Interview: Discussing the ongoing conflict in the DRC on Australia’s ABC News
Interview: Discussing my career in the Foreign Service with The Washington Diplomat
Africa, You Have a Friend in Washington featured in the Foreign Service Journal
Interview: Discussing President Biden’s Address to the Nation on VOA Afrique
Speaking at The Fletcher School with Ambassador Donald Heflin
I recently spoke virtually at The Fletcher School at Tufts University. I discussed a variety of topics ranging from France-Africa relations to the Wagner Group’s involvement in Africa.
Interview: Discussing the Niger Coup on VOA Afrique
Interview on RFI: Les relations entre la France et l'Afrique sont toujours très importantes
Interview: America and You: Coups in Africa
"Africa, You Have a Friend in Washington" Book Launch Event.

Last week, I celebrated the launch of my latest book, “Africa, You Have a Friend in Washington: An American Diplomat's Adventures in Sub-Saharan Africa”. The book, published earlier this month, is a memoir chronicling my years spent in the Foreign Service and my experiences with some of Africa's most iconic leaders. Thank you to DACOR and the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training for hosting us. I would also like to express my thanks to all who were able to attend. I was honored by your presence and support at the event.